Sunday, November 06, 2005

Dead Tenants - Episode 3 - "The Unknown Soldier"

We had a lot of fun taping this episode. There were 2 goats that we played with that were so lovable. Whenever we were outside waiting for our turn inside the house, we passed the time by playing with the goats and giggling every second we were with them. I also had fun chasing a family of ducks in the yard. I couldn’t catch-up with them but it was sure fun chasing behind them, but I never got to pet them because they would outsmart me by changing their running pattern. I learned a lot about ducks that weekend. And, of course, there was Maya, the McDonough’s dog, who enjoyed hours of pure contentment being petted by all of us. If I didn’t know Maya was a dog, I would have sworn he was a cat every time I heard him purr as he licked us.


Joanne’s nephew was the skeptic. And I believe that he was the toughest of the skeptics thus far. To be honest with you I did not think I was going to be able to change his opinion even a small degree. He had a strong demeanor that registered to me as one that I would not be able to convince. In fact, I prepared myself mentally for that fact and also tried to tell myself that it was okay if he didn’t budge from his stance about ghosts. His reaction surprised me in the séance. When he started to feel something in the séance, I knew I had help from the other side and mentally thanked God for it. The skeptic’s reaction in this séance surprised me! He had more than the spirits of the soldiers come through him. Unfortunately, all of his reactions did not survive the edit.

Not only did he experience the civil war soldier, but he experienced, Mr. Everett, one of the former owners of the house. Joanne’s nephew had an urge to stand up and make a certain movement. When he stood-up, he motioned as though he was moving something up and down a wall. When the séance was over, we learned that Mr. Everett had a heart attack painting the wall opposite to where(Brian?)sat in the séance circle. The motion that Brain mimicked was a painter moving a paint roller up and down a wall.


In some ways Mark stole the show because of his strong reactions to his experience. After the séance you couldn’t help but just love Mark. Imagine a VIETNAM VET having to be calmed because of a spirit encounter. And of course, I just loved him being moved to go to church and confession. What a transformation… and he was so sincere. The executive producer called me into the room where the interview was taking place to help calm Mark. Mark kept talking about how “hot” he felt and “how drenched his underwear now was from all the sweating. In his innocent way, he invited the producer and myself to feel how “wet” his underwear had become because of all his sweating. That “ boyish innocence” at that moment just tickled me, as well as his “awe” for the experience.

He marveled over his new “psychic experience” for a long time after we left the area. I presented him with my book, Awakening the Mystic Gift, for him to further his understanding of psychic ability. Joanne told me in a recent conversation that he plans on calling me and was surprised to learn he had not yet called.


The Girl in the bathroom

The girl in the bathroom was probably Jenny, someone who once lived there. The narrator mentioned that it probably was the girl who tended to the civil war soldier. However, that family lived in the house after the civil war. The historians found the name Jenny on the deed, as a daughter to someone who lived there. More than likely, it was the girl who the owners saw walk up the stairs. (That mistake was the writer or narrator of the episode). We did not identify the name of the girl who stood over the civil war soldier. It is possible that in spirit Jenny interacts with the civil war soldier even though she didn’t live in that period of time. If a spirit has a consciousness, then that spirit could interact with the other spirits that exist in the same dwelling. So we never identified that spirit.

The wagon

The image of the wagon carrying a coffin in front of the house was not fully addressed in the episode. Mr. Everett loved his horse and wagon. Even though he had a car, he still preferred to drive his horse and wagon. According to the historical data, Mr. Everett’s coffin was paraded in front of the house on a wagon pulled by his horse during his funeral. That is what I saw as a psychic impression that was later confirmed by the historical research. Unfortunately, that part was edited out.

Mr. & Mrs. Everett

Mrs. Everett had Alzheimer’s disease and died a year after Mr., Everett. They had an incredible love for each other. I believe that Mr. Everett stayed close to the earth when he died to still be near his wife. Once he got to the other side, he learned that his wife would soon follow him. Because of his great love for her, he wanted to be there to greet her and to help her to the other side. He probably kept projecting the image of the horse and wagon as a way to keep his wife aware of him. This was stated, but most of the explanation was edited out.

A person suffering from Alzheimer’s is in a state of confusion in the last days of his or her physical existence. A confused state of mind here can make it more difficult for that soul to realize he or she is dead or how to follow the light when they first get to the other side. Most of the time deceased loved ones urge the soul to come to them through the light. When someone in a mental state of confusion dies in that state of mind, a loved one will actually meet them immediately upon death to bring them right through the light, rather than chance a long period of time of them trying to understand where they are and how they can get to God.


My first impression of the area was that of gangsters hiding out in the area during the 1920’s and 30’s.The house was in such an isolated area that I felt it could have been a haven for gangsters at one time.

After all the psychics had already walked through the house, I had a conversation with Joanne and a neighbor friend while sitting on the porch eating Saturday night’s dinner. I told her about my impression. A few minutes later, she remembered some history about the area and excitedly remarked that the area in the 1920’s supposedly was a summer retreat for the gangsters who frequented New York City. Some of the research later done confirmed what she knew. There also was a man who stayed at the boarding house who was very reclusive, but had meetings there with other men who were dressed in suits. This man was later found dead and there was a lot of speculation that his death involved gangsters. Apparently, the area in the 1920’s and 30’s had a history of being a haven for gangsters and so-called “mob figures” during that era.


For me the image of the civil war soldier dying at my feet triggered off a past life memory. That image and memory took me by complete surprise and shocked me. I could not believe I had such an intense feeling. After all, who wants to cry on national television and have make-up stream down your face and leave black marks under your eyes and down your cheeks?

When the historical data confirmed there had been a civil war soldier found on the property near the swamp, I was overwhelmed with emotion. Our team leader had originally dismissed my impression as wrong, because it didn’t seem possible that a civil war soldier would be that far north. Learning I was correct overwhelmed me and then reinforced my past life memory. For me it was such an intense reaction that I was not prepared for. I felt the sadness so deeply because of my own past life of having my husband or lover die in the civil war. Joanne later told us that every year there is a civil war reenactment in her town to honor the soldiers from there who died in the civil war.

Several years before I explored the paranormal, I visited Charleston, South Carolina with my husband and children. I had such a strong feeling of wanting to move there, but had no idea why. It wasn’t until several years later that I learned about the theory of past lives. My reaction to the civil war soldier brought me back to the memory of my visit to Charleston thirty years ago.

Dead Tenants - Episode 2 "The Spirit in the Basement"

This episode was actually the first one taped, so it was our first experience taping a TV show. During the taping of this episode, we discovered taping “DEAD TENANTS” meant no sleep for the cast, crew, producers and family. Therefore, our excitement somewhat faded when we realized taping “DEAD TENANTS” was hard work.

The Lindenmeiers were real troopers. We started the taping of this show with sad news that affected all of us. Once we began the dinner scene, we learned that their dog had died from cancer the night before our arrival. You could just imagine how terrible we all felt. Louise, Larry and the family were so sweet to continue with our planned date of arrival, despite the sadness they had just experienced.

It was on this first show taping that we all learned about the long nights of waiting for each of us to do our walk through of the house. While one psychic walked through, the rest of us were outside. Can you imagine how much of the night sky we experienced all night long waiting for our turn to receive psychic impressions of the house. Then we discovered the only way to stay awake was to constantly eat. A friend of mine suggested we try drinking coca cola and eating dark chocolate in order to stay awake and be alert. We were drinking lots of coffee until we discovered this wake-up tonic worked much better.


Larry was the skeptic, but you just had to love him… even though he didn’t believe in the ghosts or any of Louise’s or Michael’s encounters. One of the funniest moments for me that was not included in the episode was his reaction to my stomach. As the skeptic he had to measure my stomach before I entered the spirit area and then while I was in it. He measured it to expand almost 5 inches. In response to my stomach he said, “Wow…That’s amazing…amazing.. as he shook his head back and forth. Clearly, the look on his face showed he was completely dumbfounded by my stomach reaction. All I could do was laugh….and tease him a bit more about it and the ghosts in his house.


There were three spirits in the house but the one that created most of the disturbance was the murderer in the basement. He had a very strong energy field as well as pent-up anger, which made him “take over” the basement area. Someone capable of murder on the physical plane just doesn’t lose that strong emotion of “hate” or “violence” as soon as he enters the spirit world. When a spirit has that much energy, he can block other spirits from coming through until some of his energy is released. After having done thousands of séances over the years, I have discovered that some of the deceased have communicated with personality traits that characterized them when they were still living. These personality traits and some emotions linger for years until the “soul” refines those unproductive personality traits and emotions during it’s growth period on the other side.

When we get to the other side, we all must review what we have done in this life. This includes our deeds, our kindness towards others, our unkind actions as well as what we accomplished for the growth of our soul, emotionally as well as spiritually. The goal each time is to become a more “perfected” soul. Therefore, the murderer blocked the others from coming through, which must have really “ticked off” Louise’s mother. Perhaps, if we had continued the séance longer after the murderer and Michael’s pent-up emotions were released, the others may have then come through.


Talking to Louise after the water incident, I questioned her about her mother. Apparently, there really was no love between the two of them. Her mother abandoned her at an early age, never wanted Louise and made it known to her in many ways. Her mother would have been considered a “wild woman” today. Her mother was particularly vindictive towards Louise and never showed her any kindness and wanted the center of attention all the time. Fortunately, Louise turned out to be totally opposite of her mother. She is a kind, loving and unbelievably caring person who is also a nurse. Need I say more?

Michael’s relationship with his grandmother was totally different. He was the “favorite” grandchild for her and she treated him differently than she did Louise. Therefore, he had a close relationship with his grandmother. In fact, he was so distraught over her death he could not even shed a tear over it because he was still in a state of shock that she had even died.


You have no idea just how much water poured from the ceiling. And it happened immediately after the séance and just after Michael had told me that he had never cried or really grieved after his grandmother’s death.

I wonder if she was also upset that Michael had not cried over her death. Therefore, she could have misread his reaction and thought that Louise influenced Michael’s opinion of her and that’s why he didn’t cry. Her vindictiveness would then have been exacerbated by her misinterpretation of Michael not crying when she died. His reaction and her resentment of Louise stirred her to the point of her being vindictive. She also had to be pretty annoyed and angry that she could not have her say in the séance. Therefore, she retaliated with a large water leak.


The repairmen found the air conditioning system to have condensation and a break in the pipe, but it did not account for the amount of water that poured from the ceiling. In all honestly I can not blame all that water on just a break in the pipe. I really do feel that some paranormal phenomenon had occurred, especially after learning about another episode of water damage after the show had already finished taping at their house.


About two months after the taping of the show at the Lindenmeier’s house Louise invited me to her house to conduct a regular séance for several of her friends and co-workers. Her mother did not come through the séance. However, I didn’t want her to come through because I thought it was too soon to deal with her mother. It would be a pretty intense and emotional situation for Louise, so I told her that when she was ready we would do it.

Within a week after the séance Louise called and was a bit shaken. “I don’t think the water problem is a coincidence.”, she stated. “Why? Did anything happen after the séance?”
Louise informed me, “ Yes…My brand new outdoor spa broke and all the water from it leaked onto the patio and some other pipes in the basement broke and flooded an area of the basement.” There seems to be a water issue whenever there is a séance in the house. Almost speechless I managed to faintly answer, but with a gulp,”Louise, this is no coincidence.. It has to be your mother.” I am going to have to come back and this time try to banish her from your house!”


I plan on going to the Lindenmeier’s to go into a trance in the area where Farah and I both experienced her. Through the trance state I will attempt to communicate with her and then ask her to leave the house so that peace can be restored in the home. When I have completed this task, I will let you know about it.