Thursday, August 21, 2008

Psychic Jane Doherty: Return to Babylon Anomalies in Silent Movie

I had an interesting email from the producer of a silent movie called, "Return to Babylon." It wasn't a media request, but a plea for help to understand the anomalies
in his movie. Bewildered, he asked me to take a look at clips from his movie.
There were anomalies in those clips that peaked my interest and FULLY got my attention.

So, we agreed to talk. He was upset and did not know what to conclude about his unfinished movie. The repeated anomalies in his movie confounded the editors of his movie. And the anomalies managed to stop production and put the movie "on-hold".

Now, of course, I could understand why he was upset. I have been on this same road but with a different twist. How do you get others to believe you are having a problem with "ghosts!". For years, I have had to fight the ridicule of the non-believers and the scorn of the die-hard skeptics, until I refused to allow "others" to infringe on my personal perceptions. All of us have unique perceptions based on our own personal experiences.

As I listened to Monty's anguish, I comforted him with my belief that it was certainly possible those anomalies were images of "ghosts". He, of course, asked, by why me?.. Why did this happen? I asked him a few questions. And from what I could tell these anomalies caused all kinds of production problems, and unflattering comments of disbelief from colleagues.

Of course, I related to his problem and told him that reaction was to be expected.

I was intrigued by the fact that this movie is a "silent movie" based on the silent movie era!.. That fact stood out in my mind's eye, every time I quieted myself and got into my psychic mode to ask for guidance.

Finally, I told Monty. Let me meditate on this and let me see what I receive psychically before I go into some possible explanations. So, we agreed to talk again in a few days, so I could look at the clips again, study them and meditate on them.
Also, there were questions I wanted to formulate and ask him, too, before I psychically keyed into the movie. We agreed and set a time in a few days to talk again.

Stay posted for my interview with Monty.. and my initial psychic impressions in my next post by Monday.


View Monty's "Return to Babylon" trailer


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